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2021 Awards

You can download the PDF file by clicking here, or see the text version below. Awards are listed twice, once by award and again by film (showing all the awards a particular film won).


F E A T U R E   F I L M    A W A R D S    B Y    F I L M

Where Sky Meets Eternity

Best Cinematography (Feature Film) - Richard Anderson

Third Best Feature Documentary - Richard Anderson

The First Step

Best Directing (Feature Film) - Brandon Kramer

Second Best Feature Documentary - Brandon Kramer

The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Best Feature Documentary

Best Editing (Feature Film)

Best Sound Design (Feature Film)

Best Sound Track (Feature Film)

Best Audio (Feature Film)

Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws

Best Feature Narrative Film - Wayne Shipley

Best Feature Screenplay - Dan Searles

Best Actor in a Feature Film – Ken Arnold as Bill Tilghman

Best Actress in a Feature Film – Kathy Searle as Zoe Tilghman

Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Film - Johnny Alonso as Big Joe

Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Film - Robert Neal Marshall as William Selig, the Producer

Best Supporting Actress in a Feature Film – Lana Wood as Miss Darling

Best Wardrobe - Pat Shipley

F E A T U R E   F I L M    A W A R D S    B Y    A W A R D

Best Feature Documentary - The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Second Best Feature Documentary - The First Step

Third Best Feature Documentary - Where Sky Meets Eternity

Best Feature Narrative Film - Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws

Best Sound Design (Feature Film) - The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Best Sound Track (Feature Film) - The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Best Audio (Feature Film) - The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Best Feature Script - Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws

Best Actor in a Feature Film – Ken Arnold as Bill Tilghman

Best Actress in a Feature Film – Kathy Searle as Zoe Tilghman

Best Supporting Actor in a Feature Film - Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws, Johnny Alonso as Big Joe and Robert Neal Marshall as William Selig, the Producer

Best Supporting Actress in a Feature Film– Lana Wood as Miss Darling

Best Editing (Feature Film) - The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerald K. O'Neill

Best Directing (Feature Film) - The First Step

Best Cinematography (Feature Film) - Where Sky Meets Eternity

Best Costuming and Wardrobe - Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws



S H O R T    A W A R D S    B Y    F I L M

Bye Buddy

Best Student Film - Anya Swanson

Fish Don't Have Maps

2nd Best Actress (Short Film) - Casey Breneman

Closest to the Pin

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Andrew Broadhurst

We Know Our Worth

Best Sound Design (Short Film)

Bad Girls

2nd Best Short Documentary - Anya Swanson

Finalists - Best Sound Track (Short Film) - Anya Swanson

The Cave of Bektau-Ata, Madiar Zhumadilov (8,6,10)

2nd Best Actor (Short Film)

3rd Best Cinematography (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Directing (Short Film)

Chloe and the Five Elements

Best Animation

2nd Best Special Effects (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Audio (Short Film)


Best Editing (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Directing (Short Film)

Finalists - Sound Design  (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Sound Track (Short Film)


Best Local Short Film - Michael Tuthill

Best Special Effects (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

2nd Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

2nd Best Directing (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

2nd Best Sound Design (Short Film) - Amy Tuthill

4th Best Short Narrative Film - Michael Tuthill

Finalists - Best Actress (Short Film) - Breslyn McCoy

Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

...And Then The Darkness

3rd Best Short Narrative Film - Andrew Huggins

Finalists - Sound Design (Short Film) - Alexander Arntzen

Finalists - Best Sound Track (Short Film) - Alexander Arntzen

Finalists - Best Audio (Short Film) - Paul Duncan

Finalists - Best Actress (Short Film) - Celeste Allen Marcone

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Andrew Huggins

Finalists - Best Directing (Short Film) - Andrew Huggins

Semi-Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film) - Andrew Huggins

The Inside

3rd Best Local Short Film - Michael Tuthill

3rd Best Special Effects (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

Finalists - Best Actress (Short Film) - Alyssa Beckman as Molly

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Zach Myers and Everett Glovier

Finalists - Best Directing (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

Semi-Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film) - Michael Tuthill

The Hope Dealer

2nd Best Local Short Film - Andrew Broadhurst

Best Actress (Short Film) - Olivia McMahon

Second Best Screenplay (Short Film) - Andrew Broadhurst

Finalists - Sound Design (Short Film) - Jordan Miller

Finalists - Best Sound Track (Short Film) - Jordan Miller

Finalists - Best Audio (Short Film) - Jordan Miller

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Sarah Nelson

Finalists - Best Directing (Short Film) - Andrew Broadhurst

Semi-Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film) - Jordan Miller

Amber's Halfway Home

Best Short Documentary - Melissa Armstrong and Jordan Pidgeon

Best Sound Track (Short Film) - Melissa Armstrong and Jordan Pidgeon

Best Audio (Short Film) - Jarad Marshack

Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film) - Melissa Armstrong and Jordan Pidgeon

Forty Years From Now

2nd Best Short Narrative Film

Best Script (Short Film)

Best Supporting Actor (Short Film) - John F. Higgins

Finalists - Best Cinematography (Short Film)

Semi-Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film)

The Other

Best Short Narrative Film

Best Cinematography (Short Film)

Best Directing (Short Film)

Best Actor (Short Film) - Majid Potki (9,8)

Finalists - Sound Design (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Audio (Short Film)

Finalists - Best Editing (Short Film)

Video Springs Award for WV-made film most likely to positively impact the community:

The Hope Dealer - Andrew Broadhurst


S H O R T    A W A R D S    B Y    A W A R D

Best Short Documentary - Amber's Halfway Home

2nd Best Short Documentary - Bad Girls

Best Short Narrative Film - The Other

2nd Best Short Narrative Film - Forty Years From Now

3rd Best Short Narrative Film - ...And Then The Darkness

4th Best Short Narrative Film - Eidolon

Best Local Short Film – Eidolon

2nd Best Local Short Film – The Hope Dealer

3rd Best Local Short Film – The Inside

Best Student Film – Bye Buddy

Best Sound Design (Short Film) - We Know Our Worth

2nd Best Sound Design (Short Film) - Eidolon

Finalists, Best Sound Design:

The Other


...And Then The Darkness

The Hope Dealer

Best Sound Track (Short Film) - Amber's Halfway Home

Finalists, Best Sound Track:

Bad Girls


...And Then The Darkness

The Hope Dealer

Best Audio (Short Film) - Amber's Halfway Home

Finalists, Best Audio:

...And Then The Darkness

The Hope Dealer

Chloe and the Five Elements

The Other

Best Script (Short Film) - Forty Years From Now

Second Best Script (Short Film) - The Hope Dealer

Best Actor (Short Film) - The Other, Majid Potki

2nd Best Actor (Short Film) - The Cave of Bektau-Ata, Madiar Zhumadilov

Best Actress (Short Film) - The Hope Dealer, Olivia McMahon

2nd Best Actress (Short Film) – Fish Don't Have Maps, Casey Breneman

Finalists, Best Actress:

The Inside, Alyssa Beckman

...And Then The Darkness, Celeste Allen Marcone

Eidolon, Breslyn McCoy

Best Supporting Actor (Short Film) - Forty Years From Now - John F. Higgins

Best Special Effects (Short Film) - Eidolon

2nd Best Special Effects (Short Film) - Chloe and the Five Elements

3rd Best Special Effects (Short Film) - The Inside

Best Editing (Short Film) - Carrier

Finalists, Best Editing:

Amber's Halfway House


The Other

The Cave of Bektau-Ata

Semi-Finalists, Best Editing:

...And The The Darkness

The Hope Dealer

Forty Years From Now

The Inside

Best Cinematography (Short Film) - The Other

2nd Best Cinematography (Short Film) - Eidolon

3rd Best Cinematography (Short Film) - The Cave of Bektau-Ata

Finalists, Best Cinematography (Short Film):

...And Then The Darkness

The Inside

The Hope Dealer

Forty Years From Now

Chloe and the Five Elements

Closest to the Pin

Best Directing (Short Film) - The Other

2nd Best Directing (Short Film) - Eidolon

Finalists, Best Directing (Short Film):

The Hope Dealer

...And Then The Darkness

The Inside

The Cave at Bektau-Ata


2021 Awards: Text
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